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Aqua Deskperience

Copy / Paste unavailable? Any text with a shortcut key appears on the screen capture.


"Copy / Paste unavailable? A shortcut key with any text visible on the screen capture."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Copy / Paste unavailable? In any application from any screen in the Czech text, even text where copy / paste the folder trees, message boxes, dialog boxes are disabled, file lists, database reports, buttons and more ... Then automatically paste the text editor, this printing, spell checking, e-mail or online from hundreds of resources.You took notes on the screen, or add text to existing note to be caught with just one click search conquered translated text.
Other power features:
Screen Capture: Capture screen regions as images and automatically in different formats, print, save or e-mail and can send to your friends, AIM messengers and more.
Color Picker: Copy instantly the color code of any pixel on the screen and paste it into the graphic editor.
Password Revealer: just ctrl-right-click stars See hidden text behind.
Desktop Search: Aqua together, unobtrusive and automatic search term is a small toolbar in many places to get your browser to be a suitable replacement can hide window where you can write. Faster, than Windows own browser opens. Now you can free download Aqua Deskperience 1.5.

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